Parent Liability - Giving your assets away

By Kathy Allen
Parent Article

Some parents are very busy and do not commit to providing their students with the required driving practice hours.  As a result, they sign off on the teen as having driven and learned even when they did not. 

Lawyers are now focused on going after families who give keys to teens and a nice car, and the teen goes out and kills someone as a result of not having enough experience or parent-teen training.  The North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles has completed studies and research to know the value of teens having training at professional driving schools in combination with parents.  

If you cannot commit time to the required driving practice hours, think outside the box.  Do you have another family member who could help?  Do you have a friend or neighbor who could help?  Perhaps someone from church or another organization you may be a member. The supervising instructor must be over 18, licensed to drive, and drug and alcohol-free.  They would enter their name, time driven, and their license number.  

If your teen is insured to drive the family car, you may consider lending your family car for the training.

People often ask if their student driver can drive to Myrtle Beach.  Their learner's permit is only valid for North Carolina.  Once they have a driving license, they may travel across state lines. Check out the NCDMV handbook for more details.

Make it a great day,

Kathy S. Allen

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